Richard Branson Congratulates Celina Jaitly On The Success of Her Singing Debut

Richard Branson recently congratulated Celina Jaitly on a micro blogging site for the success of her debut single for the United Nations Free and Equal Campaign. When spoken to Celina she says "I am very thankful to Sir Richard for his support and praise to #THEWELCOME featuring my debut single. Working for United Nations has been a great honor. Credit goes to all people who worked on this video from Neeraj shridhar to Priti Nair and specially Charles Radcliffe (chief global issues UNHRC) who came up with the idea of a bollywood style video for human rights." The video has already been viral for for a month now, and has received more than half a million hits. Celina Jaitly has also signed a 4 single deal with music company and will be back in India to hit back to her singing for a cause."