Vishal & Siddarth Appreciated Soundararaja

Jikartanta running successfully in the growing film actor cauntararaja "Dindigul ponram" played a role. The joy of winning the grand picture, along with Vishal, Siddharth has hailed the joy. Cauntararaja said about the main reason for the media to win the big jikartanta film Gravatar. Jikartanta film, honored and appreciative of all the media, referring to the protagonist of my friends, I thank all the media as one of the jikartanta group. Jikartanta hugged and congratulated me on the movie premiere show of the film's hero, Siddharth. Vishal sir after watching the film in Hyderabad, cauntar There is very good picture, you are so fine that naticcirukkinka vatsap mecej the farm. Starlet generously praising Vishal sir, I am happy with Siddharth Thanks sir. I will always be supportive brother, director esarpirapakaran, friends vijaycetupati, Karthik Subburaj, songwriter, including Murugan magic thanks to all of my dear friends. The young men began to regret Sundharapandian Association, Guest, jikartanta important film in the series on my trip. Now, the fifth generation of the Siddha Medical Sikamani eljiraviccantar sir i pictured above, was a friend of Sir Hari sir prayer directed film starring Vishal sir's friend. I am soon to be introduced in Malayalam. Will be instrumental in my growth and my thanks again to all media friends. With love, your cauntararaja